The debut of an obscure old classic, updates on the Darwin Jihen anime, and the massive success...
It was revealed by Toyo Keizai, one of Japan’s most respected business newspapers, that the Kagurabachi manga...
New rom-com series with a mystery twist? Undead Unluck possibly ending in February? One Piece listed in...
New arrivals for Mikadono and Red Blue in a calm week before the storm. TOC Weekly Shonen...
And here we are for another TOC for you all, delivering for the first time the TOC...
In a week where The Elusive Samurai (Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi) is the magazine cover, we received...
Come check out a one-year review of Young Jump, what has changed from 2023 until now, the...
The birthday of Ogami Tsumiki, the anticipated “beginning” of Strand, and the ever more stagnant back rows....
Gyaru Amidabutsu, the new comedy with a hilarious gyaru, BUNGO shines with its color page, and the...
In a week where Kagurabachi opens the magazine, we got a crazy TOC from Weekly Shonen Jump,...